Will the one who disobeys Allaah then repents repeatedly be forgiven?

Will the one who disobeys Allaah then repents repeatedly be forgiven?

The door for repentance is open as long as a person is not on the brink of dying or the sun does not rise from the West. If someone disobeys Allaah then repents sincerely following the necessary prerequisites thereof, Allaah will forgive him. Repentance wipes away all that precedes it. Allaah even forgave the man who killed 99 people! If someone repents, he must be truthful with Allaah and remain sincere, but if his lowly desires and Shayttaan gets the better of him and he commits the sin again, he should feel remorse, stop committing that sin, and remain determined not to return to that sin out of sincerity to Allaah. The gate of repentance remains open, as has been clarified in the texts, as long as the person is not on the brink of death. When a person is on the brink of death and the soul reaches the throat, his repentance is no longer accepted.

(آلآنَ وَقَدْ عَصَيْتَ قَبْلُ)
Now when you had disobeyed Him before…” (Yoonus 91)

The point is that he must hasten to repent, stop committing the sin, feel remorse over what he has done, and be determined not to do it again. Who can prevent him from repenting?